Sign Up For Spring Camporee!!! ---- under activities bar; May 20-23 Survival Weekend May 13th K-M River Trek; July 4-8 (most likely) or 11-15 need three scouts to do this WE'RE GOING TO SEA BASE JUNE 15-22 2017!!! - Coral Reef Sailing; staying on a sailboat for five days, fishing and eating the fish, snorkeling, exploring coral reefs - Need to know who all is planning on coming (you have three weeks time), we will most likely open it to other venture scouts in the state; can be used as a recruiting tool Council Annual Awards; April 29-30 - Crew to accept the award for best crew AGAIN - Dress up as a character from a movie or TV show - Sign up under the Activities bar Crew Ski Day this Saturday the 26th, let Frank know if you can come Saturday April 9th Bike Trip, day trip in Yellowstone Let Frank know if you can come, meet at 7:30 am at Hope Lutheran If you need a bike, one can be provided for you April 30th Volunteer for the Spay and Neuter Clinic, let Cayman know if you can help Parents NEED to be at the Committee Meeting on March 31st at 7:00 HOW TO MAKE SURE PLANTS AREN'T POISONOUS - rub on skin; if you have an allergic response to it, don't eat it - chew it up and put some on the inside of you lower lip; if your lip gets numb, don't eat it P lants A nimals I nsects | In attendance: |
Venture ScoutsLead the Adventure Categories |