Guest Presentation - Moldova. Crew learned about this far away country, and even got to try a local dance. Treasurer Report- Some crew owes money. See Reilly. Registration is $25. New Business Crew Hats - Emily is proposing we get crew Hats - with Venture Logo and and 2526 on the side .Going to go ahead with this Agenda - Emily will send out an agenda form and if you need to add something - please. Emily will send out form. Big Sky Ski Day - voted down in favor of Bridger Ski Plan. Emily 2- gave info about Bogart. More info will be posted Reilly - will host the Christmas get together She will get the info to Verena for posting. Program - Lashing handout and practice. Basketry. The handout will be posted on the Wilderness Survival site. Next Meeting - December 8 | Attendance: Emily G Charlotte R Verena (start of meeting - had to leave for rehearsal) Reilly Sandy Emily 2 Madison Alysa Cayman Adults: Frank, Tracy, Betsy, Mary, Deana Guests: Alina and Ron |
Officer Briefing – Seminar
On Wednesday, the officers met with their Advisors to cover job responsibilities and start the calendar. Here are the results of this planning meeting and next steps: Vision- They have a vision – and I don’t have it written down! Please post it in BLOG comments. Personal Goals – Officers discussed their personal goals and challenges for their position. SuperAdventure 2016 – A designed adventure with the Seniors taking the lead of decisions was decided (rather than K-M Missouri), and there may be another activity for newer Scouts. More planning will happen in upcoming meetings. Time Management – All the officers have challenges scheduling time, and Advisors will work to help the officers get a system or method in place. EMILY (Frank Advisor) * Schedule Officer meetings * Work with Officer team to have published agendas for each meeting * Work with Advisor on By-Laws adoption CHARLOTTE (Deana Advisor) * Work on an activity calendar * Schedule time to make decisions with the Crew on Tier I, II, and III adventures KRISTEN (Tracy Advisor - Betsy as Stand-in with Tracy Sick) * Set an Open House date * Implement recruiting to include flyers, reaching out to Scout units, schools, etc. SANDY (Steve Advisor) *Get a full inventory of equipment *Develop systems to organize and manage equipment Officers that were not able to attend will need to connect with their Advisors outside of the meeting. Betsy can provide an outline of an agenda. Advisors will get with officers who were not at the meeting. Adults who attended and get credit for Crew Committee Training - Frank, Steve, Deana, Betsy. and Dick. Officers - please add notes and comments! |
Venture ScoutsLead the Adventure Categories |