Guest Presentation - Moldova. Crew learned about this far away country, and even got to try a local dance. Treasurer Report- Some crew owes money. See Reilly. Registration is $25. New Business Crew Hats - Emily is proposing we get crew Hats - with Venture Logo and and 2526 on the side .Going to go ahead with this Agenda - Emily will send out an agenda form and if you need to add something - please. Emily will send out form. Big Sky Ski Day - voted down in favor of Bridger Ski Plan. Emily 2- gave info about Bogart. More info will be posted Reilly - will host the Christmas get together She will get the info to Verena for posting. Program - Lashing handout and practice. Basketry. The handout will be posted on the Wilderness Survival site. Next Meeting - December 8 | Attendance: Emily G Charlotte R Verena (start of meeting - had to leave for rehearsal) Reilly Sandy Emily 2 Madison Alysa Cayman Adults: Frank, Tracy, Betsy, Mary, Deana Guests: Alina and Ron |
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