There is a lot of planning to do at the meeting. Here is our agenda.
Please call if you need to discuss anything! Frank will be lead on this meeting (I am in MIssoula), but available by phone.
Betsy Eubanks
- Meet the Crew Shoot - Details and sign-up
- Camporee - Discuss who is going. Sign-up is posted.
- October: Fort Peck and Wilderness Survival - Discuss what activities you want to do and who would be ready for Wilderness Survival. Any date would need to work for Verena and Reilly if we are picking up senior members as well as newer crew.
- Popcorn - Please schedule a date for Crew popcorn Sales. Popcorn Sale is Sept 24-Oct 16
- Other Fundraisers - Look at the options. Are there any that you are interested in?
- Interest Surveys - Fill one out to help with planning
- Adult PCI - Fill out to help with planning
- Sea Base Meeting - Discuss having on Saturday, Sept 10 at Eubanks (planning and hot-tub hang out)
- Crew Hats - discuss. Have these been selected? Who is ordering
- Officers - select a date for officer training and planning meeting. The sooner the better!
Please call if you need to discuss anything! Frank will be lead on this meeting (I am in MIssoula), but available by phone.
Betsy Eubanks