In attendance: Betsy, frank, Dick, deana, Emily, Emily, cayman, Kristen, Verena
- Shirts: forest green, white/gold design
- Elections at fall camporee, if you can't make it write the speech you would give. Why you would be good/why qualified/what would you do in this role
- Planning seminar: to be determined date, only core officers
- Social gathering: talk about philmont, show pictures, invite interested people, 'pot luck dinner?' Anyone want to host
- Camporee: Atalatal station at camporee? Look for pict outfits ideas and research. Camporee is 9-18 to 9-20
- Meetings to start at 6:30 on Tuesdays
- If you have not scheduled an advisor meeting with frank please do that. Either Monday aug 31 or Wednesday September 2. If these dates do not work than still contact frank.