Until next month!
This month we had a meeting to plan activities for the next several months and decided to enjoy a final Summer weather adventure. The outdoor adventure was a Paddle – Peddle. We took our bikes to a place in Headwaters Park on the Missouri River, and then drove the canoes and launched them into the Jefferson River. We paddled to the bikes with one exciting moment with a canoe overturning (an adult leader canoe to be precise), and then paddled to the bikes and biked back to the cars. It was a great day, ending with a riverside BBQ with us and the mosquitoes. On the planning side, we decided one meeting a month to have a conference call to focus on planning and make it easier to include members who live further away. Until next month!
2019 - 2020 Year PlanThe crew had a really great planning meeting that included two remote scout (Hiram and Christian) on the phone, and Rudy Whitney in the room along with Julia and Edward. Rudy is a MSU Freshman and Pathfinder Rank from Helena Crew 2299. Julia met Christian and Hiram at NYLT. We had good discussion and developed an annual plan.
The details are all in the notes document. Some details may chance, such as location of Crew Meetings depending on activity, but the core information is in the plan. Always check the calendar and look for Reminds from Crew Officers before events. Betsy Eubanks, Committee Chair
Attendance: Julia, Annika, Cedar, Edward Mrs. Cook (popcorn), Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Eubanks, Mrs. Mertzdorf Crew Meeting
Congratulations to Julia, Annika, and Cedar for making Venture Rank!
Crew meetings are moving to SUNDAY nights 5:30-7:00 pm. They will be at Hope Lutheran or other designated location depending on what the crew is doing. Sunday, August 19th meeting will be Crew Officer Orientation. Uniform is Class A and bring you book and something to take notes and keep schedules in. Melita Island was great fun. Annika almost beat the mile swim record, and everyone got their Polar Bear patch. Some of the Leaders are officially SAFETY NAP certified, which was more work than you would think. We will get some pictures posted soon! The crew is starting to work on WILDERNESS SURVIVAL, in preparation for the 2-night survival event planned for October. There will be some preparation for attending the ACE program at MELITA Island Montana Council camp schedule August 5th-11th.
The meeting on March 8th the Scouts worked on a personal survival stove from altoids tins. March 22 meeting will be at 435 Comfort Lane (Eubanks) and focus on bike maintenance in preparation for the Yellowstone Overnight Trip in April 6/7. We will go over details and planning in the March meeting. Edward, Julia, guest Peter.
Adults: Frank, Betsy, Deana, Todd Snow Snake: Edward finished sanding. On to Annika for paint and wax. Winter Camporee: Went over gear list. It is under Resources. Key points:
We will have an hour long crew meeting after 11-12. We will not have a crew meeting on 18th because of the camp trip. Need to decide if ice skating or archery. Frank will talk to Annika. Frank will send out a schedule email with confirmation on February dates. Signed a card for Abby. Meeting NotesVenture Leadership Training with Belgrade 5-9 pm Friday, Nov. 17.
Julia -- Bring cookies Abby -- Buy pie *Bring summer plan dates Programs this year -- See booklet for details
Wilderness Survival: Something in fall 2018. Next meeting: Advisor conferences and woodburning stoves. Notes by Julia At Meeting: Edward, Abby, Julia, Mr. Dougher, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Cooker, Mrs. Eubanks. |
Venture ScoutsLead the Adventure Categories |